A Differing View of ‘A Year Beyond our Imagining’



2017 was truly a Year Beyond our Imagining (Column, Billy Fried, Dec. 29), exceeding the imaginings of millions of Americans.

Humankind survived the downward spiral and destruction of this country, rescued by the election of our 45th president. He is restoring faith, pride and patriotism in America, and its founding democratic ideals which the former president, the corrupt Clintons and their socialistic agenda sought to destroy. They were stopped before further irreparable damage could be done.

The swearing in of “unelectable” President Trump, warts and all, was a triumph over the entrenched politicians of both parties, the egocentric leftist east, west and Hollywood coasts. Millions weren’t agonizing; they were and are rejoicing.

President Trump has an incredible record of accomplishments in his first year, despite the unprecedented baseless attacks on his presidency, obstructionism and media bias. Elizabeth Warren, Kamela Harris, et. al., are not “fierce women warriors”, they are shrill, irrational, political ranters, and do a great disservice to my gender and country.

They don’t speak for me, nor did the women at the 2017 women’s march in Laguna, where the majority were angry, vulgar and exclusionary and incapable of holding a rational conversation about issues. At the recent Main Beach event (which was not Nazi’s), the hundreds who were “muzzling hatred with inspired messages of love and inclusion” must have been at a different beach, because neither love nor inclusion was inspired. Who was arrested for sucker punching a conservative values man wearing a MAGA hat? It was a love and inclusion guy, right? Maybe a love and inclusion antifa guy?

President Trump’s accomplishments in just one year exceed any president in recent history. Strengthening and empowering our military, slashing cumbersome regulations, protecting our borders, prioritizing the interests of American citizens over illegal aliens and foreign nations, restoring balance to our Supreme Court, re-patriating billions of corporate dollars, rejecting unbalanced trade deals, tax reform, eliminating bloated government bureaucracies, jobs creation, record stock market highs, and restoring patriotism and international respect, to name just a few. He is going to keep on “winning” for another seven years.

In the meantime, may all continue to enjoy lovely Laguna, no matter which side of the fence, at least until the City Council bans “inter-political beaches.” In spite of local politics, I too love Laguna’s magnificent coastline and clear waters. So march away, I’ll be at the beach.


Jennifer Welsh Zeiter, Laguna Beach

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  1. You are not paying proper attention to what is going on. Sad how blind and ignorant people can be..as witnessed by the last electron and folks continuing to blindly believe the Lier and Thief in Chief.

  2. “… blind and ignorant people… said John Walker, “as witnessed by the last electron (sic).”

    What was that about “ignorant people,” Mr. Walker? You can’t even spell “liar.” Nor is it a proper noun but you capitalized “Lier (sic)” as well as “Thief in Chief.”

    “Elections have consequences. We won. You lost. Deal with it.” -Barack Obama, nine years ago

    Enjoy your soaring retirement accounts, Lagoonies, thanks to President Trump.
    And whatever you do, don’t drive to the Pageant of the Masters. You’ll only be killing polar bears, and destroying the earth while you contribute to the *greed* of *greedy big oil companies* by burning that nasty fossil fuel you are always badmouthing.

    Jennifer Welsh Zeiter, thank you for your elegant and principled analysis. God bless you.


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