Questions Arise Over Survey’s Legitimacy



I live in Arch Beach Heights and belong to the Nextdoor group here.

One thing that came to my attention this week is a survey that is going out which appeared to be official coming from the city.  Many in our Nextdoor group thought it was a follow-up to the surveys we have been getting about undergrounding utilities.

Others have been suspicious that there may be a political motivation using stealth tactics of an unbiased survey to hide their true political intent.

Apparently the city has disavowed the survey – supposedly conducted by so-called University Research. But what is disturbing is whoever University Research is did not disclose its intent. Furthermore, if this is about politics, University Research may have a legal obligation to disclose who they are and who has paid them under FPPC finance and disclosure laws.

From the looks of it, it appears this has something to do with the upcoming race for City Council.  If that is the case, not only should we know who paid for this survey, but who they’re supporting.  Our Nextdoor group is not supposed to be used by those with a political agenda — our politics should be transparent, not sneaky and deceitful as this appears to be.

Alan Boinus, Laguna Beach


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