Letter: In Support of Bluebird Canyon Farms


I have been a grateful member of the Laguna Beach community since the 1970s and currently proudly reside on Oak Street. (Hi, neighbors!) Thankfully, I also bike/walk to work in town. My passion and livelihood are farming: I have a degree in Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture from UC Santa Cruz, founded (here in Laguna) a nonprofit that supports small-scale ecological farmers, and have been market-scale farming for almost 15 years. I returned to Laguna from San Diego County to be near my parents and found welcoming employers at Laguna’s Bluebird Canyon Farms.

Friends of Laguna: We have a sustainable, ecological community farm and educational facility. On Saturdays we bring to the Farmers’ Market fresh, vibrant, nutrient-dense and beautiful food grown in our soil, our climate, and among the sensational vibes of Laguna. The benefits to our health, our community, our local economy, the local wildlife, and the planet are elemental and countless.

Our productive farm within acres of sustainably managed wild lands provides meaningful work training for several under-served folks (the “Growing Skills” program), teaches skills related to food and farming, and inspires creativity in local chefs. If you are curious as to what goes on at the farm in Bluebird Canyon, please come see us at the market.

I urge you to support the farm by writing a letter to the Planning Commission and City Council members, and by showing up on Wednesday, Oct. 17 for our hearing at City Hall regarding a Conditional Use Permit that will allow us to invite the community onto the farm for agricultural educational events. Many folks have delighted in our events in the past, but we have suspended them since March while the farm does the dance with City Hall.

Laguna Beach deserves a highly productive farm and all the benefits it creates. Support small-scale agriculture. Please grab a pen and give City Hall a heads up as to your support of Bluebird Canyon Farms.

Ryan “Farmer Leo” Goldsmith, Laguna Beach

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