Letter: Mobility Keywords in the Downtown Specific Plan


Here is a quick summary of mobility keywords found in the 2019 draft Downtown Specific Plan (DSP):

Complete Streets Policy: 0
Enhanced Mobility and Complete Streets Transition Plan: 0
Bike: 1
Bicycle: 5
Skateboard: 1
Scooter: 1
Pedestrians: 28
Walking: 3
Bus: 4
Trolley: 17
Shuttle: 4
Transit: 26
Transit Center: 6
Rail: 0
Lightrail: 0
Park: 49
Parking: 411

The intent of our 2019 DSP is clear. Once again, our Laguna Beach Planning Commission denies solutions to Laguna’s mobility crisis by preserving 1950s parking requirements (the same as Irvine’s). The commission denies mobility planning altogether.

Les Miklosy, Laguna Beach

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