Anti-Trump Diatribe Belongs Elsewhere



I almost choked on my coffee while reading Billy Fried’s latest feature, “A Reason For Hope”.  As Mr. Fried launched into his strangely over-the-top Obama love fest, I thought at first I was being spoofed.  But lo and behold, Mr. Fried’s idolization of the “magnificent” Obama with his “1,000 watt smile” and “crisp white shirt” and “broad vocabulary” was for real.

Since the Indy is supposedly a local rag, why not stay focused on Laguna-centric issues that impact locals rather than hero worshipping a past tense politician and bashing an easy target.  Enduring another weak and tedious anti-Trump diatribe is truly a waste of print.

Ben Earl, Laguna Beach

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  1. I don’t have a problem with people expressing their First Amendment rights. Whether I agree with that opinion is not a basis for denying that constitutional right.

    Now, I don’t always choose to read diatribes, but it’s protected speech, so let’s keep it that way.

  2. Regarding the recent criticism of Billy Fried’s column, Mr. Earl must have forgotten what town he lives in.
    If he lived in Newport Beach, Fullerton or Yorba Linda his position might be defensible. But Laguna Beach, for all its current challenges, is a progressive town and we like it that way. We favor Rev. Martin Luther King Jr, Congressman John Lewis and President Barack Obama here. Mr. Earl has the entire rest of Orange County to “grow into.” If those towns aren’t red enough for him (or orange enough, or white enough), maybe he would be more comfortable in Kentucky, Florida or Mississippi. Locals might even be willing to chip in to buy him a bus ticket.

  3. Good LTE Ben Earl. Thank you. And right on, JT.
    Jim Rue, you don’t speak for many thousands of us in Laguna. We don’t favor Barack Obama who tried to destroy this country, but we had to put up with him for 8 miserable years. It’s your “my way or the highway” attitude that continues to drive the polarization of our country that will eventually eviscerate our democracy. Sad. You lost the election. Show some respect.


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