

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

Interim Solution Needed for Radioactive Waste

Editor, Thank you LB Indy Tim Randall for the “Q&A with Rohrabacher.” It is important to know the ideas of our 13 term House of Representatives...

Please Rethink Trapping and Killing Coyotes

Editor, We were shocked and saddened to read about the plan to trap and kill coyotes in Laguna Beach in a response to the increase...

A Better Use for Forest Avenue?

Editor, Four weeks ago Laguna hosted Hospitality Night on Forest Avenue. Visitors left the event with an illusion of buzzing night-life, food concessions, open galleries...

Writer Aims to Cultivate Conversation

Editor, What if Laguna Beach became famous for the art of conversation? In spite of Facebook, Twitter, email, etc., they say the art of talking directly...

Getting at the Meaning

Editor, What the heck is a "Teutonic shift in which the Republicans are losers"? (“Making Sense of 2015,” in the Dec. 31 edition.)Teutonic is defined...

We Should Look at Ourselves

Editor,   “Thou turn’st mine eyes into my very soul, And there I see such black and grainèd spots As will not leave their tinct.” Hamlet, Act III,...

She Offers Coyote Expertise

  Editor, I was alerted of Laguna’s coyote issues and plans to trap and kill them through a recent article in your publication, so today I...

Oppose Coyote Trapping

Editor, I appreciate the recent article on Laguna’s plan to exterminate urban coyotes but would point out that targeting pregnant females in the spring and...

Coyote Slaughter Will Leave Rodents Unchecked

Editor, As 33-year residents of Bluebird Canyon, we deplore the slaughter of the remaining coyote population in the 1100 acre city greenbelt adjoining Morningside Drive. The...

Fewer Palettes Detract From Holiday Atmosphere

Editor, As I drove around town this holiday season, I felt something was missing.  I realized that there were fewer “artist palettes” displayed on lampposts...

Grinch City?

Editor, ‘Twas the night of Christmas and all through the -- oops! No house! Lots of mice, and police that are not nice. Chilled by my city...

Prepared Hosts Pulled Off a Memorable Concert

Editor, Sunday night’s Winter Concert Classic was a fabulous way to kick off the holidays! It had all the measures of a great evening with...

Time to Stand With Muslims

Editor, We are writing to call your attention to a grave injustice, and to ask your help in addressing it. Not that many years ago Catholics...

Revising Attitudes Toward Mental Health

You err (“New Resource Opens for Troubled Teens,” Dec. 11 edition); the error is common. The real fear is of people who direct stigmas, and...

Readers Take Action

Editor, Thank you for running the notice seeking volunteer tutors for The Learning Club, an after-school tutoring program administered by The American Association of University...