

Laguna Beach Independent Columns Section

Opinion: Common Sense

Laguna and Elections by-District It is hard to keep up with all the laws and regulations coming from Sacramento affecting our small town.  The California...

Opinion: Musings on the Coast

Zooming the City Council As some of you may be aware, the Laguna Beach City Council now “Zooms” its meetings.   This was necessary because...

Opinion: Common Sense

Re-Opening Laguna By Jennifer Welsh Zeiter President Donald Trump’s guidelines for opening up America are worth reading, containing very useful information, and calls for re-opening America...

Opinion: Green Light

Earth Day 1970, 2020, and 2070 Laguna Beach has almost always had its share of environmentally-minded visionaries who included artists, merchants, academics, and hippies.  On...
ann christoph

Opinion: Village Matters

What’s The Rush? Feeling like strangers in our own town. That’s what it’s like lately.  We’re on remote control already because of the virus. We’re terribly...

Opinion: Say it Ain’t So, Mo 

Dear Mo,   Oh, how we wanted to love ya. At least some of us. A benevolent local entrepreneur who would revive some of our aging,...

Opinion: Positive Change in Laguna

“No” just doesn’t cut it anymore By Jeff Redeker Recently, a working group was created and the work product that came out of the committees efforts...

Opinion: Positive Change for Laguna

Embracing New Ways By Nia Evans This time ten years ago, I was a senior at Laguna Beach High School. We had just wrapped our Spring...

Green Light

Dr. Alan C. Braddock, associate professor of art history at the College of William and Mary, spoke on “From Nature to Ecology: The Emergence of Ecocritical Art History.”

Catering to Tots

By Melanie Silverman   Last month, the Los Angeles Times reported that chef Jamie Oliver wanted to take his “Food Revolution” show to the Los Angeles...

Guest Opinion: Fudge Cake

I had a birthday recently and someone asked me what I wanted. I thought about defeating climate change, peace on earth, and of course...

Finding Meaning

Remembering Howard G. Heisler What person most shaped early Laguna? You could make a good argument for Howard G. Heisler. Next Wednesday marks the sesquicentennial...

Opinion: Green Light

The Education of Surfrider CEO Chad Nelsen He’s learned; he’s playful; he’s determined; he’s optimistic. He’s one of Laguna’s and America’s treasures. Unless you knew...
ann christoph

Village Matters

Stimulating the Staid On Willa’s corner, at Eagle Rock Way and Santa Rosa Street, we have a Little Free Library. Neighbors leave books they’ve finished...
letters to the editor

Letter: School Board Member Should Drop Lawsuit

For the second time now, the U.S. District Court has dismissed Dee Perry’s lawsuit against her fellow board members and Superintendent Viloria. Although  Ms....