

Laguna Beach Independent Columns Section

Opinion: Green Light

Forward-Thinking Laguna and the Home Electrification Fair On the evening of May 29, the Laguna chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL), with major help from...

Opinion: Concerning City Council

By Michele Monda How do Laguna residents ensure that Laguna will maintain its small-town charm? That charm brings millions of visitors annually to Laguna, but...

Opinion: Great Expectations

By Russ Gerber A teacher friend of mine told the true story of a fellow teacher, new to the school, who was recognized by her...

Opinion: This is Where We Live

Making a Better Broth By Hunter Fuentes and Jon Stordahl  We all know the old expression that “too many cooks spoil the broth.” That came to...

Opinion: Honarkar Stops Measure Q Light

By Gene Felder The following is not the Laguna Residents First board's position, but mine.  Laguna Residents First is a grassroots organization formed to preserve Laguna’s...

Opinion: Pet Peeves

Buying Time By Mark D. Crantz  My wife loves jewelry. Me, not so much. From kings and queens to Al and Peggy Bundy, the line is...

Opinion: Dear Susi Q

Here to Listen if You’re Grieving By Lynette Brasfield My father died of a heart attack in 1965 at the age of 39. I was nine...

Opinion: Pet peeves

Teenagers By Mark D. Crantz Teenagers? If you are a parent of a teenager who graduated this year, I want you to know that you should...

Opinion: Let’s dispense with the moratorium on dispensaries

Though we've long fancied ourselves a progressive and tolerant community, there can be no stronger evidence to the contrary than our spurious ban on cannabis dispensaries....

Opinion: Musings on the coast

The Sweet Smell of a Newborn   My daughter Gabby had just birthed my first grandchild, Oliver Grady Norquest, 8 pounds, 14 ounces, and was the...

Opinion: Haiku Corner

By Cheryl Procaccini it begins slowly finch overture. then burst! a sound bath of bird song   sweet whiff of sagebrush on a current of cold air chaparral’s perfume   pelicans glide low. perfect...
letters to the editor

Letter: Laguna needs affordable housing

There’s no doubt in my mind that Laguna Beach needs affordable housing. According to the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) from the state of California, Laguna Beach is required to construct 394...

Opinion: Pet Peeves

Sock It to 'Em By Mark D. Crantz As usual, I was going on my morning walk. Why? I'm not sure. But I think it was...

Opinion: Green Light

Answering the Call of the Pacific By Tom Osborne Jet-lagged and besotted by the enchantments of distant Pacific isles, I just returned from two weeks of...

Opinion: Concerning City Hall

By Michele Monda Zoom. What a wonderful addition to Laguna Beach residents' ability to participate in local government. Parents with children, seniors who have trouble driving at...