

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

Bad Behavior by Park Opponents

Editor, On Thursday, May 10 a ‘neighborhood’ meeting was held at Moulton Meadows Park. The meeting was called because Mayor Kelly Boyd, and Councilmen Steve...

A Plea for Tree Preservation

Editor, Judging by the letters to the editor, public feedback to the city council and other community commentary, the decision to kill a dozen mature,...

Safety Ideas Wanted for Canyon Road

Editor, How many of us have parked on the north side of Laguna Canyon Road and crossed over to attend the Sawdust Festival despite signs...

Bike to Anywhere Week

Editor, May is National Bike Month, a perfect time for our community to recognize and celebrate all the benefits of bicycling. Bicycling keeps us healthy, carries...

Praise for Columnist

Editor, I loved Susan Velasquez' column today (“A Season for Change,” Arts, May 10 edition). Had my name, the band concert, the Laguna Tunes, the Healthy...

Routine Visitor Spouts Off About Trees

Editor, Well if there are no trees in downtown Laguna Beach, then it will definitely be hot this summer with no shade (unless the store fronts have...

Saddened by Tree Cutting

Editor, How disappointing it is to see our council members decide to rush the cutting down of our beautiful ficus trees during the spring nesting...

Appalled by Tree Cutting

Editor: (This letter was also addressed to council members and the city manager.) I am writing to express my shock and dismay about your recent decisions...

Roots of Singular Character

Editor, Very smart thinking all the way around by our city government. Butchering the trees that give our downtown its singular character right before summer. We...

Uprooting Town Culture

Editor, What has happened to our City Council?  They are cutting all the trees down! What happened to informing the public about these changes? What if...

What Are We So Afraid Of?

Editor, This past week I have been getting emails and seeing posts on Facebook, which are rabidly against the proposed skatepark in Moulton Meadows park. I...

Amnesty for View Theft

Editor, Laguna is a paradox of sorts. A landslide strikes Bluebird Canyon and the city unifies to help. People open their homes, they voluntarily inflict...

Support for Rules to Preserve Views

Editor, Since the ‘80s I have had an interest in preserving ocean views.  I attended meetings in the ‘90s on this subject and watched in...

Restoring a Cathedral of Views

Editor, People visit Laguna Beach for the art, yes, but mainly for the climate, the beach, and the waterfront hotels and restaurants that offer beautiful...

Welcoming a Gateway Without Wires

Editor, I moved to Laguna Beach five years ago and heard about the village entrance project, thinking it was a monumental sculpture or gateway arch. I...