

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

Laguna, the next nanny state?

Editor, With the latest proposed ordinance to empower the police to confiscate the skateboards of helmet-less riders of any age and require offending juveniles to...

Exploring South Laguna by Trolley

Editor, Summer trolleys end Sunday, Sept. 2 at 11:30 p.m. Take a ride on the south route and explore your town. Stop at Wesley Drive and...

A Suggested Temple Hills Pathway Solution

Editor, A small group in Temple Hills would like to build a pathway using the narrow five-foot strips of land that exist adjacent to or bisecting homes...

Police Tactics Unfairly Pressure Homeless

Editor, The homeless population did not change appreciably while citations tripled (“Homeless Citations Triple,” Feb. 2 edition.) The shelter capacity dropped from 60 persons to 45...

Kelp, Frustration Mounts

Editor, Two weeks ago I emailed a letter to each council member regarding budget allocations, what money is and isn't appropriated for things like sidewalk...

Burnt Up Over Bright Bulb

Editor: Don’t know what the success rate of those who try to use the lighting ordinance to minimize bright lights from outdoor lighting. But here...

Why Hide, Anonymous?

Editor, I am a little confused about “Open Letter to Injured Skateboarder” in the July 27 edition from "Anonymous" as I thought there was a...

Pantry Still Drawing a Crowd

Editor, In March, our Laguna Food Pantry provided free groceries to 870 families and individuals, a total of 2,511 people.  We hope that the economy...

Rebuttal to Eucalyptus Critic

Editor, It’s a sad day for our free exchange of ideas when the argument is made that there should be a penalty for having an...

Letter: Iseman’s Claims are Unfounded

Candidate Toni Iseman is making outlandish claims that five local developers want to change the rules in Laguna, including raising the current building height...

Undergrounding and or Village Entrance?

Editor, Both of these possible projects are important to residents of Laguna Beach. Which one do you feel is the most important? City-wide undergrounding of...
letters to the editor

Letter: Keep Our Artists Here

Art is what elevates and illuminates the human condition. So I just want to add my voice to the chorus of supporters for artist live/work...



Appreciation for Neighborhood’s Harvest

Editor,   A few weeks ago, I mentioned that our Laguna Food Pantry would be the perfect place to bring your  extra fruits and vegetables.  Today,...

Writer Compares View Rules

Editor, On June 25 at 4:30 at City Hall the View Restoration Committee will present their final draft to go to our City Council to become...