Guidance Offers Tips for Neighborhood Safety



Be a good neighbor!  Take a good look at your yard. Do you see dead wood, an abundance of brown leaves on your trees or bushes and the ground? Time to cut back on plants that are sick or dying.

Fire season is upon us early and according to experts it will be with a vengeance.  With water shortages, what is the best use of our water? Putting out fires or ….?

If your yard is okay, take a look around you. Perhaps your neighbor is not aware of dead or dying vegetation in their yard.  Take the initiative and talk to your neighbors about what you can do to improve neighborhood safety. Or call the fire department and have them come out and help you with that discussion. Also take a look around as you walk, bike or drive through town. I have spotted many dead bushes and trees just along Nyes Place and in other main thoroughfares.

Many areas like Top of the World and Arch Beach Heights have limited exits. If one of these exits become a fire center or platform to fight a fire, then this could hamper leaving an area.

Talk to family members and have a place to meet should you become separated. Ask your children’s friends or family if you can work together to make sure everyone is safe.

A previous fire chief was convinced by a well-known group that green trees don’t burn.  I am sure that the new fire chief does not agree. The State of California has a website you can check out to help you become aware of what plants work in our area and those that don’t. You would be surprised to find out how many are not suited for our area.


Ganka Brown, Laguna Beach


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