Open Letter to Council Member Kelly Boyd



Item 14 of the Tuesday, April 14, City Council meeting was to award contracts totaling $670,000 to design the village entrance. About 20 people in the audience were there to oppose the process and expenditure. They asked for the city to hold a workshop with the public to get a concept prior to designing something.

Kelly Boyd’s first statement was that no way in h… would he approve awarding the contract. At Boyd’s next opportunity to speak he did an about face and angrily addressed the audience in an outburst. With a red face and eyes stretched wide, he accused the audience by saying you have already cost the city $1,016,000 on the village entrance project. He continued his outburst with, “and you know who you are.” He then made a motion to approve the 2/3 of $1 million expenditure, which passed on a 3-2 vote with Boyd being the deciding vote.

Let’s do the math, Kelly. The fact is that many of the people in the audience that you were accusing of spending actually saved the city over $40 million for the ill-planned parking garage disguised as village entrance beautification. The taxpayers in the audience have no authority to approve spending. Kelly, you are the steward of our tax dollars so please put that $1,016,000 in the expenses approved by the City Council column for the village entrance to be included in the total expenditure. Kelly, so far you and the City Council have spent just under $14 million for the village entrance budget. Kelly you were the steward of the taxpayer’s money when the city spent $5.3 million on a Christmas tree lot that was appraised at $1.2 million and had no access to it except through city property. You would be hard pressed to sell it today for $1 million today to a buyer that was using their own money. I was one of those people in the audience that was opposed to that spending spree.

Kelly, next time please give the people that you have accused an opportunity to respond to your comments. We would have been able to clear the math up for you.

Audrey Prosser, Laguna Beach

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  1. Kelly Boyd is the Poster BOY for what is wrong with Laguna Beach’s City Council, and their Unethical City Manager, who has earned the name Of KING JOHNNY by his BS edicts that Laguna Beach’s Keystone KOPS treat as Law, and the IDIOTS putting THEIR King above MY Constitution.

    Kelly is the type of Politician I tried to warn our citizens of. Says One thing, does the opposite. What has been on the City Council Agenda longer- Kelly or the Village Entry? Both RELICS from the last century, if I remember correctly!

    Which THREE winning candidates BOUGHT the election? The THREE who raised the mosdt money( by ANY means possible, of which I have many negative opinions considering the Politicians involved).

    Laguna Beach Bought the Best Reputation MONEY COULD BUY, even though Kelly’s Toni’s and ROBBY’s LACK of Character
    do NOT match their FALSE reputations for Ethics and BRAINS, both sadly lacking in Laguna Beach’s City Governemnt.

    Citizen’s: You BOUGHT these BUMS, and Kelly and Toni and ROBBY are just being REAL, instead of the PHONEY our citizens thought they BOUGHT.

    There are NO free lunches, NO matter how much you might pay. Garbage in, Garbage out! You hear that OJ?


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