Historical Society Opens the Chapel Doors

A recent view of the St. Francis-by-the-Sea Cathedral, built in 1933.

Former Historical Society President Anne Frank and Bishop Percy Wise Clarkson’s granddaughter Jessica De Stefano will host the the Laguna Beach Historical Society’s program Thursday, April 7, on St. Francis-by-the-Sea Cathedral Chapel.


The free 7:30 p.m. program will be held at the Council Chambers, 505 Forest Avenue.


Frank, also a member of the city’s Heritage Committee, will speak about the history of St. Francis-by-the-Sea American Catholic Church, one of only two structures in Laguna Beach on the National Register of Historical Places. The other is Villa Rockledge, a private residence.


Frank will be joined by local De Stefano, Clarkson’s granddaughter.


From the Laguna Beach Historic Resources Inventory, “The structure, built in 1933, was constructed from earthquake remnants by the followers of the Bishop Percy Wise Clarkson. He had been removed from the traditional Episcopal church next door to this structure and he joined the American Catholic church…”


The Laguna Beach Historical Society has a web site to view historic photographs at www.Laguna-Historical-Society.smugmug.com. For those having treasured historic photographs or printed material, the Historical Society is happy to scan them electronically and return them to the owners.

Viewers are invited to leave comments to help the Society better identify or date the photographs.


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