Letter: Affordable housing by executive directive


Los Angeles is building 16,150 affordable housing units to satisfy a State housing mandate, and Laguna requires 400 units under the same mandate. Those requirements are very consistent in proportion to resident populations. In 2022, the obstacles to affordable development were addressed by an executive directive executed by LA Mayor Karen Bass, ED-1 shortened the approval process from a year to 60 days.

The LA ED-1 streamlines affordable housing, defined as five or more units at 80% Area Medium Income or HUD, and there is a 20/80 percent provision for mixed housing also. The LA directive targets eligible neighborhoods that can meet the AMI/HUD specification. In 2017, Laguna’s commercial vacancy rate was 7%, whereas the county was 2.5%.

Laguna could also address affordable housing by Executive Directive, targeting those vacant businesses with a proposal for reuse as mixed AMI/HUD housing.

 Les Miklosy, Laguna Beach

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