Letter: Be Aware of Poison Oak


Poison oak is exploding in our canyons, hills and your garden (watch out!) from our well-needed wet winter. Poison oak is vine-like, overhangs from the hills and walking areas, and is easy to brush against unknowingly. I am told we only have poison oak in southern California, not ivy, although it looks like ivy. Just a heads up for kids playing in the gullies and open spaces, as I used to catch it off their clothes while doing laundry. Sure, our mountain bikers are aware of it and dodge the profusely abundant and growing offender. 

Because I love my place on this lovely planet and care about all of us and almost brushed by face against a low-hanging vine, I am offering this suggestion to be awake and alert. The rash is treated as psoriasis and many creams, lotions, pills, etc. I’m not recommending any, as each person is different and could be allergic to the oil on the plant that attaches itself to skin or clothing. Have a lovely spring, and trust your gardens are aglow from our lovely winter rains.

Patricia P. Truman, Laguna Beach

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