Letter: Blake’s Lack of Civility


To say that the horrible turmoil in our nation is extremely distressing is a colossal understatement. I feel such sorrow and total impotence. Regrettably, we have turmoil and disrespect right here in our little town. This is something I can weigh in on.

The story about Peter Blake asking for Councilwoman Toni Iseman to render her resignation because of what he perceives as a medical and mental impairment was cruel and inappropriate, to say the least. If anyone is impaired, I would guess it to be Mr. Blake.

In council meetings that I have watched, I’m impressed at the homework Toni does prior to each meeting. I assume this comes from her training as an educator at the college level. She asks pertinent questions and it’s quite obvious to me that she has researched issues and discovers how such issues will impact the community and neighborhoods. She’s the councilperson that always considers the residents. Blake, on the other hand, rarely engages unless it’s to hurl an insult or bully a speaker. The lack of preparation on his part is quite obvious. It would seem to me that Peter Blake is the one that needs to render his resignation for a lack of civility and the ability to serve us adequately.

Trudy Josephson, Laguna Beach

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  1. Trudy, thanks for speaking up. Your statement, “Blake, on the other hand, rarely engages unless it’s to hurl an insult or bully a speaker. The lack of preparation on his part is quite obvious.” nails it.

    CC Blake appears to have no information depth on the issues he is voting on. He said he depends on city staff to direct him since they have knowledge and experience and he has ZERO finance. Basically, LB voted in a talking head for developers to get direct access to our city government. LL PAC maybe be hiding behind Blake now but clearly taking down CC Iseman, a duly elected official, is top priority on their agenda. And Blake’s attempts are escalating with his latest Iseman medical records request. I know many residents who would like to request the same for him as well.

  2. Typical VL member using the Indy as a platform to try to hold back the city. Trudy, you must have jumped for joy at this opportunity to write a LTE about Peter since he hurt Toni’s feelings. I’m sure she can defend herself, besides, Toni is just as bad with her passive aggressive ways.

  3. Charles Johnson – this issue was worthy of a local headline story so why wouldn’t it trigger responses from residents? Your comment however doesn’t make any sense. How is her honest response to our Mayor accusing CC Blake of a code of conduct violation and personal attack on CC Iseman, “trying to hold back the city?”


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