Letter: Call it what it is


At Tuesday’s city council meeting, staff was directed to pursue more sites for pickleball, including the scenic picnic area directly behind the existing courts at Alta Laguna Park.

For decades, the community has used this stunning spot for celebrations, family picnics and annual potlucks.

If this short-sighted option is pursued, the panoramic sweeping views and picnic tables will be replaced with a pathway and a small green area surrounding massive new courts.

Construction of another pickleball court on this site would destroy the park views to the north, east and west and leave just two tables next to the playground for birthday parties. The only remaining open area in the park would be the soccer/baseball field.

Top of the World residents have already shouldered much of the pickleball burden. The courts and parking lot are packed. Every year, another court gets converted for pickleball.

If more courts are created on top of what used to be picnic space at what’s left of the park, the city should rename it The Alta Laguna Pickleball Center.

Trish Sweeney, Laguna Beach

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