Letter: Caltrans Takes Traffic Counts in Laguna


Caltrans is taking traffic counts in eight locations around Laguna Beach. The purpose of these measurements is to adjust vehicle speeds and signal timing to reduce car trip delay, and to update the traffic accounting system known as the Caltrans Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) system.

The counting methodology is intended to move more cars faster and safer than ever before. Every so often the result of this approach is revealed spectacularly on Laguna’s arterial highways, Coast Highway and Laguna Canyon Road.

In 1959, Los Angeles took extreme measures to expand a freeway interchange from South Los Angeles through Boyle Heights. The expansion demolished and segregated the existing mixed racial community of Boyle Heights, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Why should Laguna Beach and San Clemente residents prescribe to a similar freeway policy forced upon East Los Angeles? There are much better-written policies already prescribed in Caltrans mandates above. They should be followed.

Les Miklosy, Laguna Beach

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