Letter: Citizens Could Help Lifeguards


A young girl, her white tennis shoes still on her feet, is pulled from the water by capable lifeguards dangling dangerously by a line from the rescue helicopter. She has died. Her family and loved ones will never hear her voice or hug her again. Her life is done. Potential lost. Can this tragedy happen again? Of course, it can. So why not improve the odds of finding lost swimmers? Most Lagunans are ready to assist, so a similar notification like Amber Alerts for lost swimmers would spread the news. People who have homes on ocean cliffs could take a look down at the sea and locate and call in the swimmer’s location. Our security teams here at Three Arch Bay could notify homeowners who are right on ocean front to take a look. More eyes looking. Other communities could do the same. I was looking from the cliff top and all I could see floating were the lobster trap floats. If these floats were bright neon it would help differentiate a swimmer’s head from a float. I hope and pray other measures can be thought of to prevent the loss of life. Our lifeguards are the best, and citizens could help.

Katherine Marvin, Laguna Beach

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