Letter: Small-Town Character, Property Values at Stake


This letter responds to the misleading guest opinion by Michael Ray, which ran in the LB Independent on Sept. 16. If Measure Q, R or S is passed, major projects within 750 ft. of

PCH or Laguna Canyon Rd. will require voter approval if they exceed 22,000 sq. ft. of total floor area, worsen traffic by 200 additional average daily trips, worsen parking, or exceed height limits that have been in place here for decades. Or if they combine several lots to create mega-larger lots. Help save Laguna Beach and stop over-development with the Laguna Residents First (LRF) ballot initiative was created by and for residents to give LB voters a voice in managing major development projects. Our small-town character and property values are at stake! Please donate, host a lawn sign or volunteer. LRF needs block captains, phone bank callers and event coordinators. You can contact [email protected] to help.

Trygve Sletteland, Laguna Beach

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  1. Thank you for referencing Michael Ray’s Sept. 16 letter, I must have originally missed it. I thought it was very well written, and most importantly accurate. I cannot say the same about what you are saying. Measure Q and R and going to lose in a bad way. I encourage people not to support Laguna Residents First, don’t be on the wrong side of history or progress for that matter. You will not just hurt the “big bad developers”, but small business will be hit the hardest, please go out and talk to the local shop keepers that live in town too.

    This piece belongs in the comments section of Michael Rays opinion. These “letters” or “articles” are starting to look like political ads. Laguna Residents First aka Village Laguna has never supported any items that improved property values. Don’t be fooled. VOTE NO!


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