Letter: Let the Voters Decide What’s Best for Laguna



I have lived in Laguna Beach for 51 years. I recently received a well-circulated email from a member of Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce stating and I quote: “It is estimated that in the last few years, 29 small business projects would have had to go to you the people to be voted on. For instance, formally (spelling formerly) a wig shop, Wigz a small sandwich shop opening in Woods Cove area would have to go to the vote! A SANDWICH SHOP! vote no on Q” This simply is not true. Yes on Q verified “As city staff report shows, there is a combination of Historic, Grandfathered and outdoor dining credits that will allow Wigz to open without any additional on-site parking. Yes on Q honors pre-existing parking credits that will allow Wigz to open without any additional on-site parking. There is no issue requiring a public vote.” After receiving this verification, I answered the email saying I was disappointed in their tactics to alarm residents about voting yes on Q. Again I received another false claim from another member of the Chamber of Commerce. She falsely quoted “Under Yes for Q, the sandwich shop would have required a vote. As a change of use from retail to food use, based on the initiative would require additional parking spaces and may trigger more additional car trips per day. That triggers the vote.” Again the Chamber gave me, the public, false information. Simply put, the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce and other no on Q people are fear-mongering and presenting misleading and false information.

Those of us who are yes on Q are not against our neighbors in the business community. We support them and use many of their services. Everyone has a right to their opinion but I want to cast my vote based on fact and truth. Of course, it is not still the Laguna Beach of 1895 and things change with the decades. Yet, Yes on Q is our last chance to keep the rapidly declining unique quality of Laguna Beach alive. I implore both sides to tell only the truth and let the voters decide what is best for our town.

Sondra Sieg, Laguna Beach

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