Letter: How Will Laguna Handle Tourists?


Like Venice, Laguna Beach is being deluged with visitors from all over the world and Laguna

Beach is struggling. The latest figure is almost 7 million visitors per year.

The crowds have been both a blessing, bringing in much revenue, and a whammy by overwhelming open space, some business establishments, tons of litter, and bringing in heavy auto traffic. Many residents are apprehensive and wondering whether Laguna is losing much of its charm.

According to the NYT, Venice is setting new rules. What will Laguna Beach do? When is enough, enough?

Gilbert Thibault, Laguna Beach


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  1. The tourists will come, by land by air and by sea they will come. Meanwhile our city government led by a despot city manager stares at a neglected General Plan for and placates residents with an 80-page brochure called the Laguna Beach Enhanced Mobility and Complete Streets Transition Plan ( a bureaucratic wet-dream if ever ). Our Public Works Frau Director truly believes by adding enough chicken-strips, A Village Entrance, Frog parking and Trolley Apps we can twiddle the knobs to accommodate 7,000,000 tourists in parking for 2900. That is the maturity of Laguna Beach’s Mobility Transition Plan. Get a clue city hall, Complete the Streets. Here’s a place to start: https://lagunastreets.blogspot.com/2015/05/la-planning-commission-reviews-mobility.html


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