Letter: LRF ballot initiative is not the right fit for Laguna


Now that the June elections are over, I want to focus on the risk that I strongly believe the Laguna Residents First ballot initiative presents to our community this November. I am dedicated to “right-fit” solutions to our challenges, and this is not a right fit for our town. The initiative is packed with unnecessary constraints on our already complex development process. This approach does not balance progress with preservation of the best of our town, it simply encumbers existing review processes that have been carefully cultivated by our community over time.

The proposed LRF initiative was developed without any input from the public or landowners, nor was any sought. To me this approach disrespects our past and ignores our history in finding solutions that truly represent our unique town’s values. In my opinion, the initiative was developed to satisfy the goals of a few and being marketed as if it represents the views of most residents.

In the 16 pages of the LRF Initiative are muddled together development standards, code amendments, and definitions, creating a jumble of terms that will lead to legal nightmares and complicate our land use process. It is simply too cumbersome, especially superimposed upon our community’s already rigorous development standards. I question how the initiative in any way ensures that our town continues to be a great place to live.

As a passionate Laguna resident and volunteer on the Design Review Board, I am inspired by past community involvement and actions that have led the way in cultivating our unique standards and review processes. If changes are deemed necessary, we can do that again. Through the public process. Just like these have been accomplished by community volunteers and working groups involved in public decision-making processes before.

My strong feelings about this initiative may not please some voters, but I have made a promise that as a candidate for city council I will always take a strong stand for right-fit solutions for our town and against those that aren’t. I will work hard to ensure that our downtown thrives and attracts the kinds of businesses that serve the community and ensure Laguna’s reputation as a quirky, artistic, vibrant seaside village remains.

For more information, and reasons why I believe I’m the right fit for the 2022 City Council, visit louisweil4citycouncil2022.com.

Louis Weil, Laguna Beach

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  1. Louis – Weren’t you appointed to the Design Review Board as a political favor by the three City Council members who received campaign funding from the developers of Liberate Laguna/Laguna Forward? Please clarify.


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