Letter: Regarding Hospitality Night Vendor


With regard to your article titled, Right-wing vendor dupedits way into Laguna Hospitality Night, dampening season for some,I would like to make a clarification.

After further investigation, it appears that our Chamber Ambassador did not refer this vendor, Recycled Pet Rescue, to the Chamber, nor does she even know anyone affiliated with this nonprofit. In fact, there is no affiliation with the Chamber, our board of directors, or staff with this nonprofit. This nonprofit made several statements to reflect they were involved with, or a part of the Laguna Beach community. This was clearly not the case.

Once again, we do not endorse nor support any political activities at any of our events.

Our goal is to help local businesses connect with our community by creating safe, welcoming, and family-oriented events and programs.

We will implement strict protocol and procedures to ensure this type of incident will never take place again.

We offer our sincerest apologies to our guests and those impacted by the actions of this vendor.


 Sandy Morales

President, Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce

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  1. We always enjoy attending Laguna Hospitality Night. Great time to see friends and family getting in the Christmas spirit. Thank you for addressing the vendor situation Ms. Morales. Sounds like it is a lesson learned opportunity for the Chamber event supervisors and the need for closer hands-on oversight beyond checking in booth vendors.

    While you are addressing this event with a goal of keeping it welcoming to all, please review the David Hansen public article link below. Mr. Hansen did a very nice job promoting the event. Sadly, instead of supporting community spirit though, Chamber Member and Ex-CEO Paula Arnold responded with a “hostile” not “hospitable” political comment about Laguna residents. Hardly welcoming. Maybe a business relations reminder is in order for this member?


  2. What does this group do except pose for pictures? After all the tax money that’s funneled in to their palms to pay themselves. I mean really? What do we get for the money except pontification.

  3. The Chamber of Commerce decides who can ‘set up shop’ for Hospitality Night. The same chamber failed in the due diligence to find out who and what this supposed pet rescue organization is all about.

    Further more……seems as though NO ONE for the Chamber of Commerce attended the event? They didn’t join in on the fun of seeing/hearing the political crap that was displayed on Forest?

    Fail, fail, fail.

    Sure seems like there’s plenty of excuses floating around though….

  4. Sandy Morales just reusing the title, “Right-wing vendor ‘, is divisive enough are we led to believe that this lady just moved a table in and started donations for a rescue, please, you simply did not do your job, your very well paid position lacked any help to this lady and others when it was found that YOU did not honor any ethics and started backpedaling. You should be fired. I find the whole thing embarrassing, for all of you, last I looked you have the freedom to sell or ask donations for a purpose. Own up to your part in this which is huge!
    ***Her booth was quite busy by the way, I hope the evening helped the animals.


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