Letter: School Board Elections


Well, we are down to the wire and so much is at stake. I am sharing my background as I believe the reader is entitled to know the background of the author. I was a school board member for two terms, assistant superintendent, director of school for severely emotionally disturbed children, founding member of National Women’s History Week, and classroom teacher for 25 years. Because of my background I have been invited to various parent gatherings in both the elementary and high school. I was astounded to hear how dissatisfied parents were with the present board. There is unanimous opinion that the board is not connected to the parents and make many decisions without parent input. Also strong sentiment that there has been unpleasant wrangling with a board member being harassed publicly with $50,000 spent on issues that should have been settled internally with proper leadership. Given this input, I attended a school board meeting and was shocked by the rude and dismissive behavior of Jan Vickers. She does not represent the school community.

Recently, high school students submitted a letter with strong disapproval of the board. Having said this I appeal to the voters that it is critical that new board members be elected. Because of my dedication to our schools I decided to interview Amy Kramer based on her forum responses. Amy is very involved in the comings and going’s of the schools and will definitely use input from parents in making critical decisions. Vote for Amy turn the chaos around.

Debby Bowes, Laguna Beach

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