Letter: Toni Iseman Is At It Again!


Toni actually appeals a 5-0 favorable decision by Design Review Board! The nerve!

Michael Ray, who happens to be a member of Liberate Laguna, (the only group brave enough to oppose the nasty Village Laguna group) recently had a remodel approved 5-0 by the Design Review Board – only to be appealed by Toni Iseman! This just shows you how vindictive Toni can be when it comes to someone she doesn’t like. Toni used a rule that allows her to appeal “without a reason,” and it still allows her to vote on the appeal. This is absolutely wrong of her, and she should not be allowed to carry out her vindictive action! She is wasting council time and taxpayer money! Once again, Toni has sharpened her knife and put it in the back of another homeowner. How low can you go Toni? It is time to step down Toni.

And you should also know that Village Laguna and Toni support the City Clerk candidate McKay, who will do their bidding and be under their thumb!

Kelly Boyd, Laguna Beach

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