Letter: School Board Needs a Voice and Diversity


I know many of you.  Maybe it’s from Riddle Field where I coached, umpired and our family volunteered a lot. Maybe it’s from one of the many soccer fields around town, where my family played, coached, refereed, or just cheered. Or the pool, having both a swimmer and a polo player, no coaching there, but a lot of cheering.  Or finally, from the schools? Like many of you, our family and especially my wife has been heavily involved, in the classroom, the Board room, back to school nights, fundraisers, book swaps, math challenge, sports swap, the list goes on. With 4 kids you can imagine, but in our case isn’t the whole story. 

I’d like to tell you more about the role my wife has played and dedicated a large portion of our parental life too.  The woman I know has committed herself to the education our kids and community receives. Committed to understanding the inner workings of our district, budgets, policies, mission and vision of what it takes to keep a district at the top.  Driven by a desire to help develop and build what many of us sought in Laguna, the “private school education in a public school setting”.  She has complimented the board when appropriate and challenged when they have let families and taxpayers down.  She has developed relationships with site leaders,  supported, and defended many of them publicly and privately and guess what, she has the support of past principals, PTA presidents, cabinet, and community that knows this too.

I see a woman that can be a little rough around the edges, but unassuming and passionate about what she believes in.  I see a woman that fights like a Mama Bear when there is injustice.  I see a woman that doesn’t back down to the establishment but instead will stand up for what is right, seek the truth and shine the light on facts so together we can move forward.  I see a woman who doesn’t hide behind a façade. You know where she stands. She has a voice for not herself, but for most.  Ask any of her supporters.

The woman I am speaking about is Sheri Morgan and I ask that you join me in voting for her as an advocate for our community, a defender of our kids’ education, our tax investment in education and a voice at the table.

Michael Morgan, Laguna Beach

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