Letter: Take advantage of Sally’s Fund


Attention seniors and friends of seniors: Sally’s now has four vehicles and friendly drivers to take you anywhere in South Orange County to do whatever you plan to do. When you are done, they will wait to take you home.

Write down Sally’s booking number, 949-499-4100, now for future reference. I go to the Susi Q on Third St. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for bingo conversation and games at 10 a.m. and then lunch at 11:30 a.m.

Remember, Susi Q has groups for everything from yoga to bridge and offers many services, including personal counseling.

Call 949-715-5462, 72 hours before the Monday, Wednesday or Friday you plan to have lunch and bring $5.50 as the suggested donation.

I also go shopping, to the bank, to doctor’s offices, and to Laguna Hills with Sally’s. Sally’s operates weekdays only and offers complimentary group lunches for all riders at restaurants in south Orange County to provide a nice meal and conversation. Trips to Target, Trader Joe’s, Walmart, and other stores are offered, too. A suggested donation is requested for all trips.

Remember, it’s Sally’s you want when going someplace in town or south Orange County.

Roger Carter, Laguna Beach

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