Letter: You Can Make A Difference


It is the time of year to apply to join one of the city committees ranging from Emergency Preparedness to Arts Commission (the easy-to-complete applications must be in by Jan. 20).

While all of the city committees do important work, as a member of the Housing and Human Services Committee, I can describe how “citizen members” can make a difference. In the past two years, the HHS Committee members, working closely with city staff, helped to shape both the Accessory Dwelling Unit and Senate Bill 9 ordinances to both encourage the development of these smaller, less expensive units, all while recognizing Laguna Beach’s unique qualities. The committee presented a very successful “how to” seminar on ADUs.

The committee has discussed and is proposing a work plan that focuses on developing a workable approach to providing lower rent ADU units for the city’s seniors and workforce. Also, developing workable approaches to the city meeting the state mandate for added housing both market rate and low income. Exploring the possibility of creating a Housing Trust to help fund new low-income projects is part of the committee’s plan. All of these activities also include meeting human service needs, especially for the senior community.

If you have a background in housing; are of an analytical bent; understand human service needs, or just want to help make Laguna Beach a better place to live, please consider applying for a city committee membership. 

Yes, you will have to do some real work, but you will also help to make a real difference in our community.

Cody Engle, Housing and Human Services Committee Vice Chair

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