Local Counselor Makes the Grade


The American School Counselor Association selected Jami Parsons, a counselor for El Morro and Top of the World elementary schools, as one of eight nationwide finalists and the only one from California for counselor of the year, district officials announced.

Nominated by Nancy Hubbell, LBUSD’s assistant superintendent instructional services, Parsons is being recognized for making a difference for students through her advocacy and leadership.

“I believe that I am only eligible for this award because I am fortunate to work in a great district that values and supports what school counselors can do to help kids from elementary through high school,” said Parsons, who professed to being humbled by the nomination but thrilled at the invitation to got to Washington D.C. this month and meet with members of Congress about educational policy and practices to better support students.

“The job of school counselor is a multi-faceted position and very few individuals possess the ability to attain success in all required areas,” said Top of the World’s principal Ron La Motte.

El Morro principal Chris Duddy agreed, describing Parsons role on campus. “From helping with students who are experiencing social emotional difficulties get back on track in school, leading our Positive Behavior Intervention and Support program to providing students with leadership opportunities through the Peer Assistance and Leadership program her contributions make a positive impact on students and our school every day,” he said.

Parsons holds degrees in education from National University and the University of Southern California. Before becoming a school counselor, she worked at Thurston Middle School and Laguna Beach High School as an assistant principal. She also works as an adjunct faculty member at Chapman University in the graduate program in school counseling.

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