Local Schools Hit the Mark with API Scores


Laguna Beach public schools showed improvement in their API test scores with an overall score of 904, as compared to last year’s score of 895. The figures were released Wedesday, Aug. 31, a week before the start of school.

“We are thrilled that the district broke 900 on the API,” said Supt. Sherine Smith. “It is validation that our focus on learning is working.”

California’s Academic Performance Index is based on year-over-year test score performance on a variety of academic measures. The scores range from 200 to 1000, with 800 as the statewide goal for all schools.

Thurston Middle School led the pack, scoring 934 over last year’s 906; Top of the World Elementary School improved to 919 from 916; El Morro Elementary score dipped to 893, from 903; and Laguna Beach High School rose to 884 from 876.


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