Mothers Share Their Sandwich-Generation Secrets


An educational and informative program devoted to mother-daughter communication will be held on Thursday, Jan. 21, at the Woman’s Club of Laguna Beach. Three speakers, all mothers of daughters and all trained professionals, will share practical information and answer questions on a topic that challenges many women today.

Co-sponsored by the Woman’s Club and the American Association of University Women, this program is the second of a two-part series devoted to the “sandwich” generation, women who mediate and manage issues related to aging parents and adult or teen-age daughters.

The speakers are Vivian Clecak, a therapist in private practice with a primary focus on women’s issues and executive director of Human Options; Dr. Kay Ostenson, a middle-school counselor who is also a clinical psychologist in private practice; and Susan Velasquez, who, in addition to having mothered five daughters and a number of granddaughters, is nationally recognized as a leader in group dynamics and leadership skills for professionals as well as an author and newspaper columnist.

The program, which is open to the public, will be held at the Woman’s Club, 286 St. Ann’s Drive. Doors will open at 7 p.m., and the program will begin at 7:30 p.m. For more information, call 497-1200.

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