Understanding and responsibly navigating the World Wide Web has become an increasing concern for parents, educators, and law enforcement. To assist, the district will be presenting a workshop, “Parenting 2.0: Responsible Social Networking – What You
Should Know,” on Tuesday, March 10, in the Thurston Middle School Library beginning at 6 p.m.
Victor Guthrie, the district’s technology director, said “Social media has created opportunities for kids to interact in new and meaningful ways online. However, parents have an active role and responsibility in this new environment. Many families have found that a family policy or an Internet use agreement can go a long way toward helping kids have a safe and constructive experience online.”
Besides Guthrie, speakers will include Laguna Beach High School Asst. Principal Bob Billinger and Thurston’s Principal Joanne Culverhouse, and Irene White, director of special education.
“We keep hearing more and more stories of youth who have been cyber bullied using information found on social networking web sites,” Guthrie said.