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Wisdom Workout: My Irish Eyes Are Smiling

A few weeks ago, I discovered a book entitled, “The Power Behind Your Eyes.” It talks of the need to rest our eyes, taking...

Wisdom Workout: Skype to the Rescue

  It seems that just a few years ago, my daughter Sara was a senior at the high school and was riding in the convertible...

Wisdom Workout: The Art of Loving Well

There are more legends about Valentine's Day than cupid has arrows. In ancient Rome, February witnessed a fertility festival where, legend has it, the...

Wisdom Workout: Tools to Fly Above the Chaos

 How is it possible to keep our equilibrium when our world seems to be moving so fast? A typical day is filled with more...

Wisdom Workout: New Discoveries

We commonly confuse closeness with sameness and view intimacy as the merging of two separate “I’s” into one worldview. Harriet Lerner, “Dance of Intimacy”...

Wisdom Workout: Create a Compelling 2013

The difference between transformation by accident and transformation by a system is like the difference between lightning and a lamp. Both give illumination, but...

Wisdom Workout: A Chapterʼs End

My mother loved cameos. Womenʼs profiles carved in ivory on a sepia, blue, or black background and made into a brooch or pendant. We sat...

Wisdom Workout: It’s The Little Things

Time away softens the rough edges that sneak into the corners of my mind.  A change in scenery stimulates new ways of seeing. The...

Wisdom Workout: Challenging Times

There was a lively discussion that was in full swing by the time I got my coffee and sat down with some friends. The...

Wisdom Workout: Challenging Times

There was a lively discussion that was in full swing by the time I got my coffee and sat down with some friends. The...

Wisdom Workout: Other Ways of Seeing

There was a casual gathering of Laguna locals last week. The opportunity to listen and participate in these types of events is enriching and...

Wisdom Workout: Right Use of Humor

As August ends and September begins, my head is spinning with all that is clamoring for my attention. As a small example, my mother...

Wisdom Workout: Kaleidoscope Eyes

   When my 27-year-old nephew arrived at the family barbeque last week, he greeted me with a hug and a fond memory. “Hi, Aunt...

Wisdom Workout: Outliving the Quilt’s Patches

About 20 years ago, a colleague of mine, one of my favorite men in the world, called to say he was in Laguna and...

Wisdom Workout

Recapturing the Child Within   I invite you to life and you send regrets. Sorry can't come, too late or too soon, too busy, too scared,...