Relishing Her Moment

Ann Quilter

Friends and family heaped praise Friday on Ann Quilter, the Laguna Beach Woman’s Club’s 17th woman of the year.

Described in turn as an extraordinary volunteer, a force of nature, a trapeze artist, an exemplary leader and a cattle prod, Quilter in characteristic style graciously accepted both kudos and jests.

“Collaboration works better than bulldozing,” conceded Quilter, whose volunteer involvement in town spans years and numerous organizations. Friday’s accolade was in recognition of her most recent stint organizing relief aid for last December’s flood victims.

“In order to give, sometimes you have to receive,” she added, describing being the recipient of the community’s generosity when the canyon home she shares with her husband, Charlie, was destroyed in a mudslide more than a decade ago.

“It has been a great ride,” said Quilter, joined at the luncheon by a table full of family.

Ann Quilter treated to "Stand Up for Ann," sung by her husband, center, and brothers in law Matt, Pat, and Chris, who is out of the picture. includ. ni uStand

Her husband along with his three brothers serenaded her with their own version of Tammy Wynette’s “Stand By Your Man,” its lyrics revamped with the refrain “Stand Up for Ann.”

Everyone did.



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