SchoolPower’s Hall of Fame Award goes to Rubel Jewelers

SchoolPower's Mike Austin presents the Hall of Fame Award to David Rubel of Frederic H. Rubel Jewelers.
SchoolPower’s Mike Austin presents the Hall of Fame Award to David Rubel of Frederic H. Rubel Jewelers.


Downtown jeweler Fredric H. Rubel Jewelers has received SchoolPower’s Hall of Fame Award, recognizing 10 years of commitment to the educational foundation and Laguna’s schools.

Rubel said that his business’ support for SchoolPower will continue for years to come. Donating to the schools is a natural choice as their children attended Laguna’s schools. “It is such an easy relationship with SchoolPower,” he said. “Everyone is invested in the same thing. Everyone is pulling in the same direction.”


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