Smitten by Comet Too Quickly Extinguished



Thank you to the Indy for choosing to publish Hunter’s obituary, as he meant so much to us all.

Our family knew Hunter, and he touched us all. I and my daughter attended the Oak Street memoriam, and didn’t get a chance to speak for our family, but this is what I was going to say:

To those of you who knew Hunter: I speak for the three girls in my family – two daughters of mine who were friends with Hunter from grade school on, and my wife as a result, as well, all three of whom were captivated by his presence, and always recognized his twinkling eye wherever he popped up. Yes, they were smitten by him, each of them were, as their friend, and as he was such an admirable, charismatic where-was-he-now?

As their father, though, of course I … was a little ambivalent about their attentions, and could not abide his direction, right?

But I will always remember him at 8 years old, in his gusto, pouring so much salt and pepper on the salmon on his plate, then ending up under the kitchen faucet, in Evalyn’s arms, screaming like mad as the cold water washed the pain away; and

over the years in greeting him around town, a fist-bump here or there, watching him grow into himself, a man. And my daughters and wife, always looking out for his smile, and telling stories of his latest love of life.

Hunter was a comet, a rushing comet

Uncatchable, beguiling, fluid – like mercury.

Until he was gone; swept away.

A boy of the earth, and to me that James Dean grom,

Who yes, had smitten me also.

Rest finally peaceful, Hunter, and thank you –


Rick Putnam, Laguna Beach


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