Writer Takes Exception to Simon’s Characterization



I see in this week’s Indy that its owner, Mr. Simon, refers to the city council members who presently hold office as the ” grizzled vets,” (See sidebar, “Candidates Spar, But Vets Deflect Newcomers,” News, Aug. 29 edition)and those seeking to hold office as the “fresh-faced rookies.”

Perhaps a visit to the ophthalmologist is in order.  I am unable to detect any gray hair in those sumptuous, lush red curls atop Ms. Iseman’s head. But after all those good fights she has won on behalf of our village and our residents, I am surprised she does not have a head full of “grizzled” hair or any at all after listening to comments about her grizzled demeanor.

The connotation used by Mr. Simon implies “old,” as compared to the “fresh-faced rookies.” There is nothing “old” about the ideas of Ms. Iseman in dealing with our city issues. But “fresh-faced rookies,” whose “Mandate for Renewal” “scored the only hit of the night?” Please, Mr. Simon. Let us all give much thought to electing that candidate who speaks in Tea Party slogans and calls for our village to “take back our government.”

Yes, Ms. Hall, we hear you. But I don’t want to “take back our government.” To whom might it be given? To the same candidate who thinks that building a skate park on top of a parking lot in our canyon is a solution, and tells us all that the skaters will take a trolley to this skate park?

Only a fresh-faced rookie would presume that more cars and more congestion, more accidents in our canyon would not be the disastrous end results of such a proposal.

As a resident, I look forward to change and renewal. But renewal is an ambivalent word and renewal in the wrong hands calls for elimination of the hard work of many.

While those on our council are the veterans, this does not imply they are not also progressive and forward-thinking, or that they lack the eagerness needed to move forward. I am concerned about voting into city council those fresh-faced rookies who would forge into the future lacking experience, expressing one-liners and mandates for renewal, based upon what?

I will take heed of Mr. Simon’s advice. I won’t place any big bets. But Laguna Beach will be the big loser if we lose Ms. Iseman…a veteran, yes, but not grizzled in any definition of the word.

Jahn Levitt, Laguna Beach

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