Plant a Tree, Block a View



In Mace Morse’s letter last week, “Trouble in Paradise” (Letters, April 28), he made many good points but made one major error.

That was that people believe they can build a house in the hills of Laguna and then demand that everything between them and the ocean must go.

In the first place, nature arranged it such; there were no trees on the ocean side of our hills. Shrubs, yes; big trees, no. Second, when most homes were built many of them were planned around the views, open and spacious views of the ocean or surrounding valleys and hills. The enjoyment and value of such property was and is dependent on those beautiful view sheds.

Subsequently, many thoughtless people planted trees and shrubs, destroying the once beautiful view shed of their neighbors and the public.

Mr. Morse, if you want to talk about “insensitive,” real “insensitiveness ” is the thoughtless and cruel action by those who block and destroy these unique view sheds. Views of the ocean that are unique to Laguna are a precious asset for the city and everyone.

Dave Connell, Laguna Beach


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