Carter’s Gab Bag of Questions



While it may be overturned in a higher court, a judge has ruled a city cannot shutdown a marijuana collective, which is a group of people, some of whom have grower’s permits, who distribute the collective “pot” to members

with medical marijuana cards for a contribution and pay state sales taxes, etc.


If the Lumberyard has biodegradable plastic trash bags, why can’t the supermarkets offer biodegradable plastic bags, even if there is a charge?


I don’t see how a gas fire ring under rocks is a fire hazard.


Laguna Beach has become the city of NO. No this and no that. It’s time to look outside the box.


Despite complaints, the Susi Q Community Center is still so cold that attendance at some senior events is down, down, down. Seniors talk about how cold the building is. Perhaps it’s a reflection of city government.


At least the City Council have turned to older skateboarders in our town to try and solve the Skyline skateboard problems.


Roger Carter, Laguna Beach


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