Letter: Adios to the Heisler Building


Let’s look at just one of the big contributors to Liberate Laguna, Samuel Goldstein who is backing Bob Whalen and Larry Nokes for city council.

He bought and remodeled the Heisler building at Laguna Avenue and Coast Highway.  Then he leased the ground floor to Tommy Bahama who managed an up-scale restaurant, bar and shop in the space. After ten years, they left saying they had never made a profit, probably because the rent was outrageous.

Now it sits empty along with many other business rental spaces downtown.  It does have a rooftop restaurant, which I and a friend took the scary elevator ride up too only to be disappointed by the tasteless, high priced food.

In the good old daze, hundreds of locals ate breakfast, lunch and dinner at the Heisler buildings Jolly Roger where prices were modest and there was a friendly fire in the fireplace on cold winter days. Even our second greeter, Eiler Larsen could be heard across the restaurant saying hello to friends.

I am voting for George Weiss and Ruben Flores for city council. I refuse to be liberated by Liberate Laguna.

Roger Carter, Laguna Beach

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  1. Sam Goldstein is the Liberate Laguna PAC. He dumps big money into the LL PAC and also personally to CC candidates so he must think he can control them if he gets them elected. Begs the question – is he using his money to buy public official influence? If so, he and LL PAC endorsed candidates should be ashamed. If you vote for their them, ask yourself, are you basically voting to support potential government corruption?

    Say NO to LL PAC endorsed candidates on November 3!


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