Letter: Democrats Also Believe in Traditional American Values


John Fornaro’s Letter to the Editor of July 23 provides us with a list of “American traditions” as a justification for opposing Harley Rouda and voting for Republicans, including, presumably, Donald Trump or Trumpism enablers.

There is much to agree within this list, along with some cautions:

“Free and protected speech” – Under Trump, we got a constant attack on the free press, calling them “the enemy of the people.” Anyone who dared disagree with Our Beloved Leader was labeled a traitor deserving of jail or banishment.

“States’ Rights” – You mean the kind that allows GOP legislatures to pass laws aimed at suppressing people’s right to vote and allows politicians to nullify the legitimate results of an election?

“Reducing the Debt” and “Lower Taxes for the Middle Class” – Under Trump, we got a tax cut for the rich and an increase in the national debt.

“Fair Trade” – You mean the imposition of tariffs on our friends as well as our “enemies,” causing trade wars that we consumers pay for and further ill will around the globe toward the U.S?

“Strong National Defense” – Can we redefine “national defense” to stop pouring huge amounts of money into our wasteful military and instead work with other countries toward banning nuclear weapons and reducing hostilities around the world? Let’s do what’s necessary to protect ourselves, but let’s also use our precious resources on fighting climate change and meeting the real needs of everyday Americans.

“Belief in the Constitution” – tell that to Trump and his cronies/enablers/Oath Keepers, etc., as they continue to push for a Trumpian dictatorship.

“Second Amendment Rights to Keep and Bear Arms” – perhaps we need to defend ourselves (particularly from the extreme right) in these dangerous times, but why do we all need an arsenal of assault weapons? And, studies have shown that open-carry laws actually increase the likelihood of violence. The world is watching us in wonder at our stupidity, as the death toll from mass shootings continues to rise.

Traditional American values are important, and large numbers of Democrats believe in them. The problem is that the current GOP leadership has abandoned these values in favor of people like Trump, Gaetz, Hawley, Cotton, Jordan, and M.T. Greene, and all their silent enablers, including Rep. Michelle Steel. Rouda was a Republican until the GOP abandoned their own traditions. A vote for today’s Republicans is a vote against our traditional values and in favor of forces that would destroy our democracy.

By the way, noticeably missing from Fornaro’s list is “liberty and justice for all.”

Roger Owens, Laguna Beach

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  1. Roger Owens, Rouda is an opportunist. He was never a true Republican. Just look at his voting record when he was in office. 98% of his votes, he voted for liberal socialist Pelosi bills. That would make him one of the most liberal congressman. Rouda has a 0% rating with the conservative Heritage Action for America. Rouda just called 74 million Republicans morons! Rouda, just own it!! You’ve made your millions from a capitalist system, now you want others to live in a high tax, government run, socialist system. You were against the wall on the border, but you live in a walled safe compound. Rouda, is the ultimate hypocrite.


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