Letter: The World is Watching


Skyrocketing prices are costing American families almost $300 more per month. Over the last year under this Administration, everything – gas, clothing, coffee, and groceries – is more expensive. The American people are not a limitless piggy bank for the federal government and it’s time to get serious about what’s responsible for these high costs. Trillions in new spending and job-killing energy policies are not what our country needs if we want to get our economy back on track. I believe it’s critical that we protect democracy and work together in support of our allies’ right to defend themselves.

I believe it’s critical that we protect democracy and work together in support of our allies’ right to defend themselves. While Russia attacks innocent people in a free and sovereign nation, we cannot forget that the Chinese Communist Party is watching for the world’s reaction to the Ukrainian people’s cries for help and assistance. China continues to be a major threat to U.S. security, economic strength and to human rights around the world. Their list of human rights abuses is as horrific as it is long, yet Beijing was allowed to host the Winter Games on the world’s biggest stage, without fear of retribution. It’s time we take the threat of China seriously. The world is watching and as Americans we have always been committed to defending freedom at home and abroad.

Rep. Michelle Steel (R-Seal Beach)

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  1. This wasn’t even written by Rep Steel. Most likely penned by her campaign comms guy Lance Trover. This isn’t how Steel, a proxy for her white male political mentors, thinks or speaks.

    OC DESERVES TO SEE STEEL AT A FREE IN-PERSON TOWN HALL to face constituents and their questions head on. Enough of these bogus telephone Town Halls with speeches & talking points where others put words into Mrs Steel’s mouth.

    Further, a mysterious man, Jian Hui Xu, has laundered $100,000 into a dark money PAC to help Steel’s campaign which is the only reason she relentless about China. History shows us that Steel never takes on any big policy or contract matters where she isn’t being “paid.”


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