Letter: Joe Hanauer Project Deficient in Parking So Would Trigger a Vote


The Laguna Beach Independent has published a Guest Opinion by Joe Hanauer “What’s This All About?” on Aug. 5, 2022. Hanauer is the most visible opponent of the Laguna Residents First ballot initiative. Hanauer is a developer and the mixed-used project he presented to the Planning Commission in February would appropriately trigger a vote of the people as it was deficient in parking.

This relatively small project at 1040 S. Coast Highway would intensify use while not providing the parking required by the Laguna Beach municipal code. If approved, it would be another project to benefit a developer financially while the adjacent neighbors would have to deal with the overflow demand parking on Anita, Oak, and Catalina Streets.

In his Guest Opinion, Hanauer claims that the Council’s revised ordinance “will provide meaningful assurances that block long monolithic development cannot occur just as we urged them to do some months back.” Really? The ordinance states that a building cannot be longer than 125 feet, but then states that “Longer building lengths may be approved by the Planning Commission.” The City’s proposed ordinance has no upper limit on the length of a building if a three-vote Planning Commission majority approves.

Hanauer also writes “It also provides for a firm 36-foot height limit for new buildings with nothing… not equipment, rooftop dining or anything else protruding above the 36-foot limit.” However, the Council recently revised the Downtown Specific Plan relaxing the 12 and 24-foot height limits, and of course whatever the Council enacts can later be changed by a three-vote Council majority. The Laguna Residents First ballot initiative restores the downtown height limits that have been law for many decades.

The ballot initiative is a reasonable proposal similar to measures adopted in neighboring cities. Those who love Laguna Beach should support the Laguna Residents First ballot initiative; go to lagunaresidentsfirst.org for information, or to add your name endorsing the ballot initiative.

Yours truly,
Gene Felder, Laguna Beach

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  1. Doesn’t surprise. I would bet everyone who has pressured the City Council to reject the LRF Initiative has a current or future investment waiting in the development wings.

    IMO/ the last minute revised ordinance complete with “meaningful assurances” fuzzy-talk is a joke. Voters: 3 Council votes and it’s gone. Along with your voice on the future direction of our city. Don’t miss your opportunity rights and a clear and concise voter decision process PAC money can’t buy.

    Vote YES to approve the peoples LRF Ballot Initiative. Thank you.

  2. One of the statements by the city in opposing the ballot initiative mentioned public safety. The biggest problem we have with public safety is caused by the highest per capita liquor licenses in the county resulting in the highest per capita DUI’s in the county. And the reduction in parking requirements will insure that the rush by building owners to convert retail businesses to bars and restaurants will only accelerate. That is the big safety issue not the residents having a voice in our city’s future. Our streets are dangerous and will continue to be more so in the future thanks to the three members of the city council that continually puts the interests of the landlords, business interests and developers above our quality of life and in fact our safety. If you want to to have a voice in our future you cannot depend on the municipal. It can and has been changed by a simple 3-2 vote of the council. Vote for measure Q the LRF ballot initiative.

  3. Chris Quilter, maybe she forgot to mention the would be patricians of Laguna that “know” what is best for all of us. They seem to forget that this is a democracy.


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