Letter: Peter Blake is Unfit for Public Office


In the 10/7 edition of the Laguna Beach Independent, Michael Ray encouraged readers to offer their own opinions about issues facing voters in the upcoming election. I’d like to offer mine.

 Laguna has always been a uniquely enchanting community. As a kid growing up in West Covina, Laguna’s charm was like a siren’s call that my parents could not resist, and so we visited Laguna often. Laguna has a character all its own that captivated my family with its tolerance, quirkiness, stunning beauty, and accepting embrace. I am old enough to remember Eiler Larsen standing on his street corner waving to me as my family drove past in our station wagon. It was a dream come true when I moved here 22 years ago.

Laguna is an enchanting place due to its residents’ commitment to valuing and appreciating what has set our City apart from others. I differ with Michael Ray, Billy Fried, and other Indy columnists who express contempt for the “somnambulists” who have worked to maintain the essence of Laguna’s strengths. The beautiful Montage property is an example. It may have been a knock down drag out battle between the developer and groups such as Village Laguna, but the battle was worth it. Both the developer as well as Laguna’s public benefited in the end. Had it not been for those “somnambulists” committed to wresting something for the public good, the Montage would not be the lovely community attribute it is today. 

In my opinion, Peter Blake is unfit for public office. He is a bully who shares many of the same character traits as an ex-president whose indecency was and continues to be overlooked in service to the political aims of those for whom he carries water. We do not elect City Council members according to district, so Peter Blake was elected to serve all the residents of Laguna Beach – not just those whose rapacious self-interest to get theirs comes at the price of a nick out of Laguna’s soul. (The business dealings of “amateur” Mo Honarkar come to mind.)

I will not venture a guess as to who and what will come out on top in November. I will, however, vote Yes on Measure Q as an extension of my faith in the community finding common ground for the well-being of the Laguna we love.

Linda Brown, Laguna Beach

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