Letter: Focus on Council members Who Represent Our Interests


Those in favor of Measures Q and R would have you believe that they would only require a vote for “major” developments — like when we voted on the Montage project. If the measures would only require a vote for these once-in-a-lifetime projects we’d be having a very different debate in Laguna. The devil is in the details and these measures are simply too broad and would touch too many projects. That includes much smaller projects than Montage — that’s the whole reason that anti-development groups put Q and R on the ballot in the first place.

We elect our Councilmembers for a reason — let’s focus on electing some Councilmembers who will represent our interests, and let those elected officials and the Planning Commission get into the details on development projects. I for one don’t want to be voting on projects like the South Laguna Fire Station that don’t belong on the ballot in the first place.

Emily Moore, Laguna Beach

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