Tree Owners Seem Oblivious



In light of the overwhelming outpouring of frustration about disappearing views and decreasing property values demonstrated at the recent city council meeting, I thought a city-wide cacophony of chainsaws and toppling trees would follow.  I hoped that home owners with view-blocking trees would do the right thing of their own accord. After all, these are your neighbors whose views you are blocking, right?

But I, for one, have had no knocks on my door. No downhill neighbor has asked if their 30-year-old, 40-foot tall ficus is blocking the view from my 85 year-old home.  Nor have I looked out the window to see again an ocean view I thought was forever gone.

Toni Iseman remarked that if she could magically remove all the trees from Laguna Beach, nobody in the chambers would be happy. I, for one, would be elated.  My quality of life and home value would improve. Laguna would be restored to its original appearance of coastal scrub and grass. It would allow planting of intelligent landscaping, and it would increase awareness of just how good views can be.

But none of this has happened. Unfortunately, the city will have to get involved, and I fear it is going to be unpleasant. Everybody steps up for the photo op when something big and obvious like Bluebird needs to be done, but when if comes to doing the right thing every day, I hear silence.


Mike Rybah, Laguna Beach

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