Consider the Benefits of Biking



May is bike month. Are you bracing yourselves for traffic frustration, delays and auto congestion soon to arrive in our town? Have you considered better alternatives to the automobile for making short trips around Laguna like the municipal bus, the trolley or Uber? Laguna’s first bike-route was completed in February marked by pavement sharrows and bike-route sign posts showing the way.

May is National Bike Month so why not give the bike route a try-out?

Consider the benefits of getting around Laguna by bike: it’s healthy, door to door service, no traffic delays, many alternative routes and you never look for parking.

To get started watch for bike events. This week is National Bike to Work Week sponsored by The League of American Bicyclists. The Ride of Silence is Wednesday, May 20, 6 p.m. starting from Heisler Park, organized by the Orange County Bicycle Coalition.

Mobility by bicycle addresses many of our most pressing societal and environmental problems. Bicycling is fun!  For more event information follow the links posted at Laguna Streets.

Les Miklosy, Laguna Beach

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  1. I enjoy riding my bike.
    However, not enough bike racks in downtown area to support parking bikes!
    More bike racks may encourage more riders.

    It is more difficult to ‘park a bike’ than it is to ‘park a car’

    Obvious complaint is our local POST OFFICE has posted sign NO BIKES ALLOWED and then has NO BIKE RACK~explain the logic behind this backward phenomenon? Government has its way to discourage even the most obvious freedom.

    We have no bikes allowed on the boardwalk~so, you can’t ride to the beach. No bike racks, near the beach.

    The City speaks of encouraging biking but offers little to support the infrastructure for their local recreational bicyclist!!

  2. I ride through Laguna often and have to say it is the the most dangerous place to ride in the OC. I can’t tell you how many times cars have zipped by at 60+ MPH and 1′ distance on PCH south of Nyes – where the bike lane doubles as a parking lot. Painting a few bike signs in right lanes hasn’t made Laguna any safer for cycling. I would never recommend Laguna for cycling for un-experienced riders.


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