Divided Ticket: Yes on KK, No on Homeless



Once again I sit in disbelief while reading the remarks of some items in the Indy.

Let’s get right to it, shall we? The pot dispensary ban. People whom I know must have their medications delivered by sometimes questionable third party people, paying extra and with great risk.

In comparison, they can take a four-hour bus ride to the nearest provider. What if I decided to tell you, “no maam/sir, I won’t be filling your prescription today,” and sit calmly as your head explodes?

Denied safe access lawsuits will soon follow if the measure fails to pass.

Second. The Homeless v City of Laguna. Where to start? The benches pictured in the paper are no longer there. Not to pitch my YouTube channel GREAT DOGDAD, but my anger and frustration can be clearly seen as the rights of the law abiding citizens of this town are being taken away by the endless infiltration of homeless. Thanks, ACLU.

You ain’t living here. Once again, look at the videos. Santa Ana River Trail overrun by campers. Benches taken away. Places you used to go are now too dangerous. And last. If you read the police blotter or listen to “Scanner Radio” (free app) you might just see and hear the actual crimes taking place. Not the watered down version on the news.

You might want to step outa that bubble once in awhile? The nation is in jeopardy. We all need to help others and make this a better place, not sit back and point a finger that’s connected somehow to your head and lack of knowledge regarding these issues.

James Dane, Laguna Beach

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  1. “The nation is in jeopardy. We all need to help others and make this a better place, not sit back and point a finger that’s connected somehow to your head and lack of knowledge regarding these issues.”

    I think you have properly identified yourself- a person with NO empathy, or real knowledge of who the homeless are.

    Laguna Beach is not a city like Santa Ana; it is more like Mayberry in
    it’s size and thinking of a bygone era, from a previous century. Beside showing your lack of humanity for those not as “lucky” as you, what rights( do you know the meaning of legal rights) are the homeless infringing on regarding your rights?
    Do you see the term “Civil Liberties” in the name of the ACLU, a GREAT
    legal organization that tries to protect constitutional rights for those who can’t afford to.


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