Brush Clearance Should be Mandated



In last week’s edition of this paper J.J. Gasparotti hit Laguna Beach nerves full force (“Fire Eclipses All City Priorities,” Guest column, Letters, Dec. 29).

The interior open space within our town is a catastrophe-in-waiting. The mature brush has died during the past few dry years and is highly flammable, and removal of this brush should be the focus of attention. J.J. Gasparotti’s point of a more realistic fuel modification program should be codified in the City’s Landscape Ordinance to include removal of dead plant material (where are the goats?) as well as tree trimming of all trees in the public space as well as on private property especially near structures.

Have we forgotten the big fire of 1993 that destroyed hundreds of homes in our town?


Peter Weisbrod, Laguna Beach

The author is a landscape architect.

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  1. How do we maintain a fire safe environment and a remnant of the biodiversity that is a significant part of the natural beauty of this, our shared landscape?

  2. Brush clearance IS mandated: Have you ever gotten a quote for homeowners insurance in Laguna???? Clearance of 500 feet from each side of the house is mandated here in Arch Beach Heights.
    in action as we have?

    Have you forgotten the several THOUSANDS of dollars spent by the city at the request of our fire chief to cull invasive and flammable non-indigenous plants?

    Best fire prevention plan: remove ALL palm trees, eucalyptus, all grasses, all leaf-bearing plants OTHER than those that were here before us humans stated landscaping with flammable materials.

    That would ALSO fulfill the View Ordinance accords……


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